Still undecided on which Nintendo Switch to pick up? Mike has done some digging — and thinks he’s definitively ranked the three available models.
We’ve picked apart Nintendo’s press releases and spec sheets to bring you a closer look at the new Nintendo Switch (OLED model). So what’s changed?
Steam Remote Play is amazing and ahead of its time — but maybe that’s part of the problem? Here are five things to try when your play… stops.
This year’s E3 might be the busiest yet. Luckily, we’ve compiled the US and UK times for every show — so you can plan your life around the important ones.
Poor E3 has been up against it, thanks to Covid, overcrowded convention centres, and reluctant publishers. Mike argues it’s still a big deal regardless.
Could an obscure Sims-series outlier — for an aging Nintendo handheld — really be the best game in the franchise? Matthew certainly thinks so.
From the laughably tiny Java mobile game, to the laughably sloppy iOS collection — Mike takes a look back at the history of Phoenix Wright ports.
Matthew finally acquiesced to playing the Ace Attorney series… But were its Tomb Raider-esque batshit leaps of logic enough to sour the experience?
Celeste Steel, Oh! Cult magazine’s news editor, reveals the inside scoop about Maya Fey’s upcoming murder trial — and its supposedly spiritual origins.
The new story modes in 999 serve to speed up the storytelling — but Mike reckons they don’t do main character Junpei’s characterisation any favours.
Pricing disparity has reared its ugly head again with the release of The Nonary Games — and we’ve been screwed not once, but twice. Hmph.
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