Critical Chicken

Posts mentioning The Legend of Zelda (series)

Bluesky's butterfly logo against a backdrop of clouds. Various prompts from the
Ace AttorneyFeatureTuesday, 31st December 2024 by I did “30 days of video games” on Bluesky, and managed not to make it all about Ace Attorney

My tastes may be basic, but I still surprised myself with a few of my answers. Read them all, tweaked and expanded, here – and find out what I think is the best-made game ever.

A photo of Spider-Man and Uncharted star Tom Holland, superimposed on a landscape from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
NewsWednesday, 8th November 2023 by Nintendo is working on a live-action Zelda movie with Spider-Man film producer Avi Arad

With the producer of the Spider-Man and Uncharted movies jumping on board, are rumours of Tom Holland playing Link finally about to come true?

The Legendary Pokémon Zamazenta awkwardly rotating on the spot like a mannequin, in Pokémon Sword and Shield
NewsMonday, 14th August 2023 by The Pokémon Company is “having conversations” about how it can better balance quality and quantity

As disquiet continues to build in the Pokémon fandom, it seems TPC has – quietly – acknowledged it for the first time. But will anything come of it?

The player character looks out over the Paldea region from the top of a lighthouse
ReviewFirst impressionsFriday, 18th November 2022 by Pretty, but patchy: were Pokémon Scarlet and Violet even designed for the current Nintendo Switch?

Sure, Game Freak aren’t known for well-optimised, performant code. But we’ve got other ideas about what’s caused the new Pokémon games’ issues.

Photo showing overcrowding at E3 2017
Best ofE3 2021FeatureGuideMonday, 31st May 2021 by “So, what even is E3, anymore? Does anyone still care about it? Is anyone even ‘doing’ it this year?” and other pressing questions

Poor E3 has been up against it, thanks to Covid, overcrowded convention centres, and reluctant publishers. Mike argues it’s still a big deal regardless.

An extreme close-up of Noodle from Snake Pass's face; he appears to be... sweating? Leaking? It's very distressing.
Best ofReviewSaturday, 1st April 2017 by Snake Pass

How did a game with so much going for it, wriggle into so much trouble? Snake Pass is a slippery customer, and left Mike feeling conflicted and weird.

Link looks out over Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
NewsVideoMonday, 27th March 2017 by But wait, there’s more! Nintendo releases bonus episode of the making of Breath of the Wild

If half an hour of behind-the-scenes content wasn’t enough for you, rejoice! Because Daddy Nintendo has blessed us with another seven minutes’ worth.

My first Splatoon 2 Turf War! My three teammates and I are posing at the spawn point.
ReviewPreviewsFriday, 24th March 2017 by The Splatoon 2 Global Testfire is off to an amazingly fun start

Mike hesitantly dipped his toe into the Splatoon 2 ink and — despite some connection issues and a cluttered UI — was surprised to find he loved it.

A screenshot from Little Inferno. The player is burning a large pile of items.
FeatureGuideThursday, 16th March 2017 by Confirmed: Little Inferno coming to EU eShop next Thursday. Want it now? Here’s how to buy from the US store with your EU card

The UK keeps getting screwed, so thank goodness the Switch is region-free! We’ll tell you how to save money and get early releases from the US eShop.

Nintendo's 2D Breath of the Wild prototype
NewsVideoTuesday, 14th March 2017 by Take a look behind the scenes of Breath of the Wild with Nintendo’s new making-of videos

Nintendo is giving us a rare peek behind the curtain with 30 minutes of interviews and making-of footage — including BotW’s NES-style prototype.

The colourful cast of Rhythm Paradise Megamix
E3 2016Ace AttorneyNewsThursday, 16th June 2016 by Nintendo didn’t do a conference, but their Treehouse had some pretty cool stuff in it

With Rhythm Paradise, Ace Attorney, and Pokémon all appearing, Mike was always going to be pleased. Regardless of Breath of the Wild’s first big preview.

The innards of Microsoft's
E3 2016NewsTuesday, 14th June 2016 by I’m a PlayStation fanboy, but Microsoft just really made me want an Xbox One

The story of how the Xbox One S, We Happy Few, Sea of Thieves, and Project Scorpio finally won over an Xbox outlier. (But he still isn’t switching.)

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