Critical Chicken


The Legendary Pokémon Zamazenta awkwardly rotating on the spot like a mannequin, in Pokémon Sword and Shield
NewsMonday, 14th August 2023 by The Pokémon Company is “having conversations” about how it can better balance quality and quantity

As disquiet continues to build in the Pokémon fandom, it seems TPC has – quietly – acknowledged it for the first time. But will anything come of it?

A row of purple flags sporting gamescom logos
E3’s futureNewsRumourSaturday, 5th August 2023 by After snubbing E3, Nintendo, Microsoft, Ubisoft, and Sega are all heading to this year’s gamescom — plus, “Switch 2” rumours abound

As we speculate about why E3’s detractors are (mostly) heading to a lesser-hyped event, rumours of an imminent “Switch 2” reveal resurface.

Text in image:
E3’s futureNewsUpdatedThursday, 7th July 2022 by E3 is back and it’s under new management (update: it’s gone again)

No matter what happens to E3, it can always rely on its white knight (Mike) to back it up. Summer Game Fest, Shmummer Schmame Schmest, says he.

An off-screen photo of Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! running on the new Switch OLED model
NewsUpdatedTuesday, 6th July 2021 by Nintendo announces Nintendo Switch “OLED model”, available October 8th

It’s got a new kickstand and “enhanced audio” — but this isn’t the “Switch Pro” everyone was hoping for. So is the Switch OLED worth the upgrade?

A happy looking slime from Slime Rancher 2
E3 2021NewsMonday, 14th June 2021 by In Tweets: Xbox & Bethesda did not “win E3”

This year’s Xbox showings felt more like mood pieces than proper trailers — we couldn’t make head nor tail of them. Slime Rancher 2 looks cute, though.

Key art for Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope
E3 2021NewsSaturday, 12th June 2021 by In Tweets: Ubisoft announces new Mario + Rabbids and, um, other things?

Ubisoft had a lot to show off — to the point their E3 show almost felt a bit muddled. But then we met Rabbid Rosalina, and all was forgiven.

Key art for Two Point Campus
NewsVideoThursday, 10th June 2021 by Theme Hospital + The Sims 2: University = Two Point Campus

We finally got a glimpse of our next adventure in Two Point County — and it brought back old traumas. We’ll never forgive EA for killing Bullfrog. Never!

The two main characters of Snake Pass
NewsUpdatedWednesday, 29th March 2017 by The Switch version of Snake Pass doesn’t run in HD (and is generally a bit shoddy)

We had high hopes for Snake Pass. But running at sub-PS Vita resolutions in 2017 isn’t a good look. “In the region of 844 × 475px”, says Digital Foundry.

Link looks out over Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
NewsVideoMonday, 27th March 2017 by But wait, there’s more! Nintendo releases bonus episode of the making of Breath of the Wild

If half an hour of behind-the-scenes content wasn’t enough for you, rejoice! Because Daddy Nintendo has blessed us with another seven minutes’ worth.

Nintendo's 2D Breath of the Wild prototype
NewsVideoTuesday, 14th March 2017 by Take a look behind the scenes of Breath of the Wild with Nintendo’s new making-of videos

Nintendo is giving us a rare peek behind the curtain with 30 minutes of interviews and making-of footage — including BotW’s NES-style prototype.

The colourful cast of Rhythm Paradise Megamix
E3 2016Ace AttorneyNewsThursday, 16th June 2016 by Nintendo didn’t do a conference, but their Treehouse had some pretty cool stuff in it

With Rhythm Paradise, Ace Attorney, and Pokémon all appearing, Mike was always going to be pleased. Regardless of Breath of the Wild’s first big preview.

Crash Bandicoot appears in Skylanders: Imaginators
E3 2016NewsWednesday, 15th June 2016 by Sony’s conference made me feel all the feels

Sony would’ve won E3 if they’d only announced Crash Bandicoot. Detroit: Become Human and Norman Reedus’s 3D butt were just added bonuses.