Critical Chicken
NewsRumourThursday, 7th September 2023 by

Credible Sega leaker claims Persona 6 is now slated for 2025, and has a “black and white” theme

Plus: at least one more game in the Persona 5 generation, Switch 2 and PS5 Pro titbits

The seemingly credible Sega and Square Enix leaker “Im A Hero Too” has taken to social media to share some tantalising information about the future of the Persona series, as well as upcoming Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 5 models. “Hero” previously correctly predicted the console port of Persona 4 Golden and the ill-fated remaster of Persona 3 Portable, both of which released this year. They also correctly called that the hopefully-not-ill-fated upcoming Persona 3 remake would be called Persona 3 Reload.

In a Reddit post on Friday, 1st September, they said of Persona 6, “I don’t think it’s making 2024” — adding that it had already missed its original launch last winter. They also said the main theme of P6 will be “black and white”, but that they won’t be sharing more details until “the floodgates open” and more leakers join the fray.

Key art for the "Persona 25th Anniversary", showing the protagonists of the first five games. The "25th" in the logo is formed from six coloured stripes.
If these leaks are true, the clues have been there since 2021’s Persona 25th Anniversary logo — which had five coloured stripes representing Personas 1 thru 5, followed by a black and white stripe.

Meanwhile, “There is another Persona game yet to be revealed, it’s a party game”, according to “Hero”, presumably indicating that it will come as part of the current Persona 5 generation.

If the Switch 2 has “PS5 graphics”, what on earth does the PS5 Pro have?

We’ve been waiting for the Nintendo Switch 2’s announcement for a long while now, but it seems we might be edging closer to its release, as “Im A Hero Too” claims Sega and Square Enix have both already received their development kits.

“Switch 2 dev kits have been [with Sega for] a while,” they said, adding that they “can verify it is backwards-compatible with a few games tested”, uses different Game Card cartridges to the current Switch family, and has a new camera feature. Even more tantalisingly, “Hero” added that Squenix’s Final Fantasy VII Remake “looks and runs like a PS5 game” on the Switch 2 dev kit, adding they were told the porting process “took no time”.

A screenshot from FF7R, running on the PlayStation 5. It displays impressive visual effects as two characters battle it out amidst a sea of sparks.
Can Nintendo really get this level of fidelity and performance out of its next handheld?

Speaking of things that look and run like PS5 games, we could soon be looking at (and running) them on new Sony hardware, too — “Hero” says Square Enix “has new PS5 dev kits” and that they assume they’re for an upcoming “Pro” model of the PlayStation 5, but sadly didn’t have any details to share beyond that.

As always, it’s probably best to take these leaks with an enormous grain of salt, but this just ticked too many boxes for me not to write it up. I’ll keep my ear to the ground for more updates in the coming weeks and months.
